Tag Archives: NYC

humor in the mundane


Seen at a pizza joint in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. How are you making small, ordinary tasks a bit more fun for your users?

sign of frustration

Seen at a school in Harlem. An accurate reflection of the frustration teachers have with the printing and copying facilities that their lessons rely on.

(Photo by my friend & colleague MW.)

an added requirement

Is there any meaning behind this? Has there been a problem with customers from previous days/months/years dropping in to use the facilities? Do any customers have the expectation that once you buy something, you are forever granted bathroom access?

self-service post office

The scene inside an employee-less post office in Brooklyn. Is it a lack of oversight that causes us to be just a bit more careless or irresponsible? Does not having an employee to periodically clean up lead to a “Broken Windows“-type environment?

When we trade human employees for automated ones, are random tasks (like maintaining a clean environment) considered?

dramatic signage

I’ve never been in the building that’s connected to this door, but now I’m anxious to get inside. Is the exit process full of intermediate steps? Is it daunting? What emotions will I feel upon seeing the words “Final Exit”?

scare tactics

symbolic street markings

An accurate representation of the general attitude towards cyclists and bicycle infrastructure in NYC.

teaching emergency

Seen on a file cabinet located in a Brooklyn Middle/High School’s central office. Amusing. Necessary.

What are your “in case of emergency” or “if all hell breaks loose” supplies? Where are they stored? When have you used (or would you use) them?

interesting juxtaposition

please don’t pee by my house

Be warned dogs: your time of being able to pee anywhere without any sort of responsibility taken by your owner—even in the middle of a sidewalk—is coming to an end. Don’t you realize that we use these sidewalks for so much more than walking? Kids get creative with sidewalk chalk on them, we sell our junk on them, and we even sit on them when our stoop fills up. We demand respect!

PS: We still love you dogs. Really. But please pee on your own turf.